Shows & Articles
Whether considered “Political Intel”🧠or the “Black Magic of Politics”🧙‍♂️, Opposition Research plays a big part in winning tough campaigns. Today on the show, Dustin & Sean are joined by Research Phenom🦸🏻‍♂️, Naji Filali of Percipient Strategies to discuss why winning campaigns invest in thorough...
Are you Hitting the Ceiling or feeling frustrated, overwhelmed? Do you find yourself doing everything? Today on the show, Dustin & Sean discuss why growth is important for your campaign and how the pathway to maximizing your unique abilities is “Delegate & Elevate”.
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Have you ever wondered how to figure out what the strongest argument is for something you want to communicate, especially when there are dozens of points you could make? Today on the show, Dustin & Sean share how to use the “High-Ground Maneuver” to create a paradigm shift for your audience.
How can a powerful vision become reality? Dustin and Sean celebrate the Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. and his vision that is still with us today. We discuss how to distinguish and clarify your vision for our country.
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Today on the show, Dustin and Sean wrap up our discussion on how to go about deciding whether to run with the Three T's.
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