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Opposition Research, the Black Magic of Politics w/ Naji Filali πŸ“–πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈβš‘οΈ

candidate elections research show Mar 10, 2021

Whether considered “Political Intel”🧠 or the “Black Magic of Politics”πŸ§™‍♂️, Opposition Research plays a big part in winning tough campaigns. Today on the show, Dustin & Sean are joined by Research Phenom🦸🏻‍♂️, Naji Filali of Percipient Strategies to discuss why winning campaigns invest in thorough Opposition Research, how great research is done, and most importantly what key research TRENDSπŸ“ˆ are emerging on the Post-2020 Landscape...

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  • It is important to know the battlefield, know what is going on, message matrix, and conduct a self-analysis.
  • Billy Beane’s message is  paying attention to details that others might have missed, delivers value.
  • When it comes to building narrative, activities can be bundled to show a pattern of behavior such as irresponsible behavior.
  • Looking at yourself from your opponent’s view for vulnerability  assessment.   You can find both positives and negatives with empathy.
  • Social media lives forever. Opinions are going to age. Be mindful of appearing out of touch. Photos can come back to bite. Be mindful of likes and comments on facebook and twitter. Clean up past social media.
  • Opposition research is very useful for developing your campaign’s communication strategy and exposing your weakness.
  • Things will be taken out of context by your opponent.
  • Define your record, stand in front of your issues, be prepared to confront these weaknesses.
  • Opposition researchers will find police records, lawsuits, tax liens, voter records, and divorce records.  Candidate’s personal life is fair game.  Elected officials voting records will be researched and used.
  • All politics is local.
  • Opposition research can take up to a month or more depending on length of public service and level.
  • Trends of challenges:  Covid has made it more difficult to obtain public records. Current issues are affecting opposition research such as loyalty to President Trump.
  • Bad opposition research can cause important information to be missed that could shift the narrative and change the outcome of the race. Being comprehensive with research content is important.
  • Skills for opposition researcher is curiosity and a dogged in pursuit of information.

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