Shows & Articles

Do Debates Matter? 'show political debates Mar 25, 2021

When do debates matter? How can you properly prepare for debates? What can be gained from debate prep? Today on the show, Dustin & Sean answer a question more candidates should ask “Do Debates Matter” and how to maximize debates when you choose to participate in them.
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8 ProTips for Political Texting 'show advertising tactics campaigns Mar 24, 2021

How has texting become the most impactful tactic for campaigns? Why should candidates use texting as an advertising tactic? How can you have your text be welcome communication instead of being viewed as spam? Today on the show, Dustin & Sean address how texting can help you connect with your vot
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The Rare & Powerful Magic of a Finance Committee 'show campaigns finance Mar 22, 2021

How can a strong Finance Committee make the difference for your campaign? How do you avoid a Finance Committee in name only? Today on the show, Dustin & Sean address the keys to creating a successful Finance Committee and how to avoid typical finance committee pitfalls.
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Being a Powerful Political Leader - The Four Foundations 'show personal leadership political leadership Dec 14, 2020

The one where we break down the FOUR FOUNDATIONAL Ways of Being for Personal and Political Leadership.

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The Weapons of Influence - The 6 Cardinal Persuasion Triggers Affecting Everyone... Even Us 'show persuasion triggers Dec 11, 2020

Today on the show, we pull back the curtain on the 6 most powerful persuasion triggers at play in every human and every society AND explain how you can use them to be MORE EFFECTIVE and NOT BE DUPED!

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AOC Ironically Wins Employee of the Month, 1st American Vaccine Dose given... to a Brit, China Profits from China Virus, & more behind the "News" 'show 1st america vaccin dose aoc Dec 08, 2020

Today on the show, Dustin and Sean Political talk about AOC's crowning achievement of Employee of the Month, the 1st American Vaccine Dose for China Virus is given... to a Brit, while China Profits from their Virus, & more behind the "News."

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We Read the Headlines and Pull Back the Curtain on the "News" & Politics 'show manufactured news Dec 07, 2020

Today on the show, Dustin and Sean read the headlines and pull back the curtain on how the "News" is manufactured and politics works.

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The Power of Context and How to Create It... Great for Media Prep! 'show creating context framing the debate Dec 03, 2020

Today on the show, Dustin and Sean talk about the Power of Context. Whether you call it Framing the Debate or Setting the Table or establishing the Lens or Filter, Context is Decisive. We then share a quick excercise you can use to create it anytime you are communicating.

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Political Trade Secrets w/ Dustin Olson: In politics, hunt where the ducks are and be the trim tab. 'show being a tim tab hunt where the ducks are Dec 02, 2020

Today on the show, we discuss the strategic distinctions of “hunt where the ducks are” and “being a trim tab” and applying those to campaigns, the news, and reports of election irregularities.

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Using your Christmas Card List to grow your network for fundraising and influence 'show candidates christmas card lists Dec 01, 2020

Today on the show, we discuss Why Candidates Should Build Their Christmas Card List and our take on the news.

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Political Trade Secrets w/ Dustin Olson: Living in America Today, What Are You Thankful For?… 'show gratitude thanksgiving Nov 25, 2020

Today on the show, Dustin Olson and Sean Bartley ask the question "What are you thankful today, living here in the greatest country ever on Earth?"

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What is Political Power & Did Anything Like Democracy Happen in 2020? 'show 2020 election political power Nov 24, 2020

Today on the show, Dustin Olson and Sean Bartley ask the questions "What is Political Power?" and "Did Anything Like Democracy Happen in 2020?"
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