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Do Debates Matter?

'show political debates Mar 25, 2021

When do debates matter? How can you properly prepare for debates? What can be gained from debate prep? Today on the show, Dustin & Sean answer a question more candidates should ask “Do Debates Matter” and how to maximize debates when you choose to participate in them.
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  • Unless you are a presidential candidate, debates don’t matter and can cause problems for your campaign if you perform poorly. 
  • President Reagan is a great example of a strong debate candidate. 
  • Stay out of the weeds. 
  • Recommending reading:Roger Ailes You Are the Message.
  • Nixon vs. Kennedy first broadcast debate example. 
  • Do not feel that you have to attend every debate. 
  • Ask yourself if the debate will benefit you or will it be a waste of time. 
  • Does this debate elevate you as a candidate or damage your opponent.
  • Are you being forced into the debate? 
  • Note the difference between a forum and debate. 
  • Know what questions are going to be asked.
  • Know the rules of the game. 

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