Shows & Articles

The Dem Power Play - How the Reinforcing Power Loop Works dems reinforcing power loop Dec 15, 2020

Today on the show, Sean and Dustin talk about the Dem's continuing Power Plays and specifically how the Reinforcing Power Loop works.

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Being a Powerful Political Leader - The Four Foundations 'show personal leadership political leadership Dec 14, 2020

The one where we break down the FOUR FOUNDATIONAL Ways of Being for Personal and Political Leadership.

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The Weapons of Influence - The 6 Cardinal Persuasion Triggers Affecting Everyone... Even Us 'show persuasion triggers Dec 11, 2020

Today on the show, we pull back the curtain on the 6 most powerful persuasion triggers at play in every human and every society AND explain how you can use them to be MORE EFFECTIVE and NOT BE DUPED!

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We Pull Back the Curtain on the "News" & Politics, and Answer the Question "Is Biden Better than a Potato?" eric swalwell fake news trump Dec 10, 2020

Today on the show, Dustin and Sean talk about how the story of Eric Swalwell swells and is a lot more ripe than previously known... Principal compares Biden to Potato, loses job. Michigan Dem called for violence against "Trumpers", loses committee spots... is that enough? As Space Force gets...

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The Difference Between Rigged/Irregularities/Fraud, plus Hollywood Considering Swalwell Spy Movies & the Bob Ross Lens on the Pandemic. fraud swalwall spy movies voting irregularities Dec 09, 2020

Today on the show, Dustin and Sean pull the Curtain on the "News" & Politics, explain the difference between Election Rigging, Irregularities, and Fraud, plus discuss all the new titles Hollywood is considering for Swalwell Spy Movies.

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AOC Ironically Wins Employee of the Month, 1st American Vaccine Dose given... to a Brit, China Profits from China Virus, & more behind the "News" 'show 1st america vaccin dose aoc Dec 08, 2020

Today on the show, Dustin and Sean Political talk about AOC's crowning achievement of Employee of the Month, the 1st American Vaccine Dose for China Virus is given... to a Brit, while China Profits from their Virus, & more behind the "News."

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We Read the Headlines and Pull Back the Curtain on the "News" & Politics 'show manufactured news Dec 07, 2020

Today on the show, Dustin and Sean read the headlines and pull back the curtain on how the "News" is manufactured and politics works.

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The President's Speech, Mo Brooks, FB Election Notifications, & the Devil Went Down to GA. georgia mo brooks Dec 04, 2020

Today on the show, we discuss the President's Speech, Congressman Mo Brooks says he just needs 1 Senator to join him in challenging the Electoral College results, and How the Devil Went Down to Georgia, which gives you a general sense of the State of the Race.

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The Power of Context and How to Create It... Great for Media Prep! 'show creating context framing the debate Dec 03, 2020

Today on the show, Dustin and Sean talk about the Power of Context. Whether you call it Framing the Debate or Setting the Table or establishing the Lens or Filter, Context is Decisive. We then share a quick excercise you can use to create it anytime you are communicating.

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Political Trade Secrets w/ Dustin Olson: In politics, hunt where the ducks are and be the trim tab. 'show being a tim tab hunt where the ducks are Dec 02, 2020

Today on the show, we discuss the strategic distinctions of “hunt where the ducks are” and “being a trim tab” and applying those to campaigns, the news, and reports of election irregularities.

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In Politics: Hunt Where the Ducks Are hunt where the ducks are Dec 02, 2020

Today on the show, we discuss the strategic distinctions of “hunt where the ducks are” and “being a trim tab” and applying those to campaigns, the news, and reports of election irregularities.
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Using your Christmas Card List to grow your network for fundraising and influence 'show candidates christmas card lists Dec 01, 2020

Today on the show, we discuss Why Candidates Should Build Their Christmas Card List and our take on the news.

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