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Why Busting the Filibuster is a Bad Idea

filibuster senate rules Mar 29, 2021

Why should a procedural rule in the US Senate be important to you? Why does the Media seem hellbent on overturning the Filibuster? Today on the show, Dustin & Sean cover the history of the Filibuster, discuss why the Filibuster is important today, and what we can do to protect it.
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  • The filibuster is the senate culture rule that requires a 60 majority to move to the final vote on an issue.
  • Some exceptions can happen such as budget matter and executive appointments.
  • The filibuster began in 1806 as a rule change.
  • Ending the filibuster is a way for the democrats to gain power.
  • The left gets people to agree with their position by painting it as racist. 

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