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Pulling Back the Curtain on the News & Politics, the Filibuster End Run & Woke Broke Baseball ️

disappearing filibuster georgia voting transperancy Apr 06, 2021

What part of the news is real? What can we trust in the news? Today on the show, Dustin & Sean use their unique points of view to pull back the curtain on Georgia Voting Transparency, the incredible “Infrastructure” Tax Hike Bill magic trick, disappearing the filibuster by slight of hand and much more. Join them as they give you a whole new way to look at what’s going on in the world.
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  • The Gelman Effect is related to physics and seeing falsehoods and misunderstandings.
  • The voting legislation is more strict in Colorado than in Georgia.
  • The parliamentarian of the senate says there can be as reconciliations as needed.
  • Republicans need to be out helping get everyone access to official photo ids.

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