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7 Secrets to a Super Stump Speech

stump speeches Apr 13, 2021

Do stump speeches matter? What are the keys to giving a great stump speech? How do you overcome a fear of public speaking?
Today on the show, Dustin & Sean discuss how to deliver a great stump speech and what it takes to not have delivering a stump speech get you stumped.
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  • Stump speeches are less important now than they were a few years ago.
  • All the things that make up your stump speech are still important such as vision, voter concerns, call to action.
  • Make three different speeches, one 30 second elevator pitch, one two minutes, and one a bit longer.
  • Create your context, who are you being to your audience?
  • Do not read your speech, be connected.
  • Know where you are taking your audience.
  • Be interesting. Keep the audience’s attention.
  • Be vivid and visual, paint a picture.
  • Answer the four questions: Are you credible? Is what you are saying relevant to your audience? Is this something voters are going to take action on when they hear you speak? Is it something they will take action on right now?
  • Get on the court and practice. Get feedback.
  • Have a clear call to action.
  • Be brief. Keep it under two minutes.

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