Shows & Articles
Is President Trump or “Trumpism” Republicans Way Forward? Does this CPAC provide glimpses of how Trump can make the GOP a Powerhouse? Today on the show, Dustin & Sean discuss President Trump’s positive & forward-looking speech at CPAC, the sprouting of a GOP Vision, and the future of the GOP.
Jumping on to do quick hit on President Trump being the first in history to ever be UNimpeached Twice... And in the process, half of America was acquitted today.
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Would you like to join us in Celebrating the Achievements of President Trump and those who served our country in the Trump Administration? Today on the show, Dustin and Sean share what they see are some of the Greatest Accomplishments and how President Trump made a positive impact, one we hope he ...
Today on the show, Dustin and Sean talk about how the story of Eric Swalwell swells and is a lot more ripe than previously known... Principal compares Biden to Potato, loses job. Michigan Dem called for violence against "Trumpers", loses committee spots... is that enough? As Space Force gets first...