Shows & Articles

Polling 2024: What the Hell's Going on w/ Public Polls? campaign strategy election2024 john rogers lee vasche polling bias polling methodology public polls swing states Oct 09, 2024

In this insightful episode of Political Trade Secrets, host & pollster Dustin Olson dives deep into the world of public pollingpolls released to the public through the mediawith two seasoned experts: Pollster John Rogers of Torchlight Strategies and Pollster Lee Vasche, Olson's colleague from A...

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Part 2: John Rogers- The Wizard pulls back the Curtain on Shy/Hidden Trump Voters john rogers media consulting show Sep 23, 2020

In Part 2 of our interview with pollster and media consultant John Rogers, we discuss how media consulting and polling go hand-in-hand, changes in polling over the years, and John reveals the truth about Shy/Hidden Trump Voters. Check it out and post a question or comment.

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Part 1: John Rogers - The Wizard of the NRCC On Data, Polling & What Sets Candidates Apart grassfire polling john rogers show Sep 22, 2020

In the Part 1 of our interview with renowned pollster and political strategist John Rogers, we discuss how he got started in politics, the evolution of his career at the National Republican Congressional Committee, and the importance of data, polling, and culture in winning campaigns.

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Political Trade Secrets Podcast john rogers media consultant pollester Sep 04, 2020

Our Political Trade Secrets Conversation with Pollster, Media Consultant, and former Exec. Director of the National Republican Congressional Committee John Rogers.

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