Shows & Articles

Top 10 Secrets for Great Campaign Mail campaigns mailing show Mar 26, 2021

How can your direct mail have the maximum impact with voters? What are common mistakes made with direct mail? Today on the show, Dustin & Sean unlock the TOP 10 Secrets for Great Campaign Direct Mail and discuss the news of the day.
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8 ProTips for Political Texting 'show advertising tactics campaigns Mar 24, 2021

How has texting become the most impactful tactic for campaigns? Why should candidates use texting as an advertising tactic? How can you have your text be welcome communication instead of being viewed as spam? Today on the show, Dustin & Sean address how texting can help you connect with your vot
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The Rare & Powerful Magic of a Finance Committee 'show campaigns finance Mar 22, 2021

How can a strong Finance Committee make the difference for your campaign? How do you avoid a Finance Committee in name only? Today on the show, Dustin & Sean address the keys to creating a successful Finance Committee and how to avoid typical finance committee pitfalls.
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Vision vs. Message: How Clarifying Your Vision Will Supercharge Your Message campaigns message show vision Feb 16, 2021

Ever hear candidates and consultants talking about “the message” or have ever wondered why there doesn’t seem to be much in a way of “Vision” in politics? Today on the show, Dustin & Sean share the difference between vision, message, and issues and how to use them to power successful campaigns and...

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Name I.D. versus Image/Favorability, plus Answering YOUR Messaging Questions campaigns favorability show your message Feb 03, 2021

Have you ever heard that NAME ID is all that matters when winning elections? Today on the show, Dustin exposes that myth and talks about the difference between Name ID and Image/Favorability and how to use it. Then he provides messaging advice to issues important to you.

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How to Use "Game Design" to Win at the Game of Politics & Campaigns campaigns game design politics show Dec 22, 2020

Today on the show, Dustin and Sean talk about how political strategists and leaders can learn a lot about how to “Win the Game” by studying game design. They look at how key Game Design elements are at play in our day-to-day lives and big events like National Elections...

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Previewing & Predicting the Undercard Debate & Figuring Out Your WHOLE Ballot #VPDebate campaigns vp debate Oct 07, 2020

Today on Political Trade Secrets, Dustin is joined by Sean Bartley to discuss tonight’s VP Debate and why the races top to bottom on your ballot matter.

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The Yard Sign is Dead, Long Live the Yard Sign!!! campaigns show yard sign Oct 01, 2020

Today on Political Trade Secrets, Dustin Olson & Sean Bartley firmly GRAB ONTO the REAL Third Rail of Politics: Yard Signs… Will they live to tell about it?

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Paige Marriott Talks National Fundraising & Helping Donors Make a Difference campaigns paige marriot show Sep 21, 2020

Today on Political Trade Secrets, Sean and Dustin talk fundraising w/ Paige Marriott and the role of money in winning campaigns.

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